Frequently Asked Questions
1. Submission and selection process
What kind of images may I submit?
All images in relation to Nature may be submitted. This encompasses landscape, seascape, forest, rivers, sky, etc. There can be some human presence, for example a silhouette, a house, a boat or other elements provided that Nature remains the dominant theme. They can be in color or in black and white.
Though images are to be located on the Map, they don’t have to be particularly representative of the place where they have been taken. This is because Terra Quantum is not a journalistic gallery. It is an art gallery. So an image for instance that would just represent a cloud in the sky is eligible to submission though the picture may have been taken anywhere. Keep in mind however that it may not appeal as much to people looking for interesting and new photographic spots.
Post processing is accepted as it may contribute to a personal and artistic view of Nature. Nevertheless, it has to be well balanced and technically controlled. Over saturation is an example of process that sometimes may appear unpleasant or tiresome. Removing or adding significant elements in the image should also be avoided in order to keep the spot close to what it is in the real world. For instance, we are moderately interested in seeing a picture of Monument Valley in the middle of a forest!
Some spots, such as Antelope Canyon or some Icelandic waterfalls have been extensively photographed. A new image of these spots may well be submitted but you have to remember that the selection will be consequently more challenging.
Which information should I disclose in my image?
When submitted to the Selection process, an image must contain information on its location. This information is simply given by positioning a marker on the displayed map. However, photographers do NOT have locate precisely the spot. Indeed, the preservation of nature is more and more crucial nowadays and a popular spot means more tourism, more parkings, hotels, etc. In practice, the Terra Quantum system automatically scrambles the marker's position, even if you have precisely locate the spot. So don't worry, just indicate an approximate location and it will be fine!
A title is another important element even if not mandatory. Take time to choose a relevant title. Avoid titles like 'last ray", "frozen lake", "lonely tree". We receive hundred pictures with these titles. If you think your photo is unique and personal, then choose a unique and personal title!
How many images may I submit?
In order to allow the Jury to carefully look at the submitted images, there is a limit of the number of the images you can send per week. The current limit is 5. It can be modified depending on the number of submissions and the Jury’s size.
How is the selection performed?
The photographer first uploads an image and indicates on the map where it has been taken. The image is then sent to several members of the Jury who decide to publish it or not. The photographer will be notified of the decision by message.
An image that has not been selected by the Jury is not necessarily an unworthy image. It is just that it may not correspond to the Jury‘s view which is obviously a personal and subjective one.
The decision of the Jury cannot be contested by the photographer. Neither can the Jury be asked to give the reasons why the picture has been chosen or not. This is because the Jury would not have enough time to answer all demands.
2. Registration
How do I register?
Registration is required to submit photos, post comments or more generally communicate within the community.
To register, simply go to the link Log in, then Click here to register and enter your name and choose a password. You will receive an email for confirmation.
How much does it cost?
The current version of Terra Quantum is a beta version. As such, we do not ask money but we are very interested in reading your suggestions in order to improve the website.
At this stage Terra Quantum is entirely financed by its team members who give their time to operate the site. In order to develop new features and to take your suggestions of improvement into account, a moderate monthly subscription fee will be asked in the future for photographers who are not just occasional.
3. Analysing images
What is the difference between an analysis and a comment?
Actually, they are very different. Comments are usually just a few words or few sentences which express the reactions of the commentator when he discovers the photograph. Comments are short free texts that don’t need to follow any guidelines - except of course that they have to be polite and respectful. An analysis is a review and as such its content has to include arguments and be useful to the photographer.
How to write an analysis? What should it include?
Below are general guidelines to make an analysis:
- Context: what is the general context ?
- Choice of the subject: why has this particular subject been chosen?
- Composition: how did the photographer frame his image? Why did he make this particular choice? Were there other possibilities, other trials?
- Difficulties: were there specific difficulties? How did the photographer face them?
- Post processing: what are the main corrections/improvements and steps in the post processing phase?
What is the benefit of writing an analysis?
Though writing an analysis is not an easy task, its benefits are considerable. First, it helps the writer to progressively acquire a critical and deep vision of photography. This is because when writing an analysis, the photographer forces himself to ask essential questions such as: what makes such image powerful, original or on the contrary what should have been done to give more interest to the picture ? Doing so, he has to carefully look at the image, its composition, its light and contrast, etc. This review has a great impact in terms of learning and discovering the vision of the other photographers.
Secondly, each time a photographer has performed a review, he increases his seniority level, leading to more visibility and recognition on the website. So his / her images and profile will be better positioned.