Selection of May 2024: Morning's Glory by Fenqiang Liu

Morning's Glory by Fenqiang Liu

This photograph is from my series “Secret Garden,” which aims to capture and showcase the magical world of Great Egrets in Florida's unique and diverse natural environment. It is one of the best among the thousands of frames I captured in 2020. read more.

Selection of April 2024: ELEPHANTASM by Florence Devaux

ELEPHANTASM by Florence Devaux

This elephant was resting in the shade of a majestic tree, its branches fluttering around it in the breeze. The background was very bright, as the small hill covered in tall grass blazed with the sunlight from which the pachyderm was sheltering. It was a gentle, poetic, timeless moment... read more.

Talk #15: Total Immersion by Beata Moore

Photography for many amateurs and professionals quickly becomes a passion. A camera is a very powerful tool that enables us to capture a moment in time and a place, but also allows us to express more, our creativity and vision. Cameras have always been around me since an early age, and as I spent all my summer holidays by the sea, no wonder that the sea holds the biggest fascination for me... read more.

Selection of March 2024: untitled by Marco Gaiotti

by Marco Gaiotti

The image was taken on top of Mount Simien National Park, in Northern Ethiopia. It depicts a gelada baboon silhouette backlit at sunrise. In recent years I have conducted several trips to this region, to portray the endemic fauna that inhabits these mountains. Political instability unfortunately makes travel in this area increasingly complex and risky. read more.

An interview with Martin Rak by Beata Moore

Martin Rak is a renowned landscape and travel photographer based in Prague, Czechia. He took to photography at an early age, but his interest in landscape photography started in 2009. Martin thrives on diversity, from grand vistas to intimate scenes. His colour photographs make great use of light and fog, but he also creates striking black&white images. Martin’s work has been published in various publications all over the world. He contributes regularly to Black and White Photography Magazine, Practical Photography, Digital SLR Photography, GEO (Germany), and many others. He has been awarded in several international photography competitions such as EISA Maestro, Sony World Photographer Awards, International Photo Awards IPA and Prix de la Photographie Paris Px3. read more.