
Selection of April 2018: The King of the World by Nicole Barge

Le roi du monde by Nicole Barge

This photo was taken in 2017 on a spring day not far from our house. The spring, in Quebec, is synonymous with falls of thick snow which generally melts during the day. I was observing an asian ladybird warming its legs on the flower when an ant appeared in my field of vision, doubtless for the same reasons as the ladybird. I followed its wanderings with a 100mm macro and tried a series of photos.

This one caught my attention for the little anthropomorphism which I saw there: the ant seems to have its arms open, ready to welcome the heat of the spring in a drive of newfound life. The movements of these insects in all directions doubtless have a logic which exceeds our human skills. Afterwards, I also wanted to see in this shot an analogy with the famous scene of the movie Titanic, where Leonardo Di Caprio shouts « I am the king of the world » on the bow of the ship.

The taking of this series was not so easy, because of the muddled and unpredictable movements of the ant drunk with spring air, and the focus on the head is… a headache! First, I processed the color photo then I transformed it in black and white using the Silver Efex Pro software, thinking that the accent would so be put on the insect and its attitude rather than on the too colorful and amusing flower. The black and white allows to get to the point and I found that it was well adapted to my vision of this scene.  

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