As I drove by this scene of a very calm lake in Upstate New Hampshire, USA, I knew I wanted the image. But when I searched for a safe way to make the image, I realized I would be trapped between the guardrail and moving traffic with no shoulder. I reluctantly gave up. The next day, I could not get the image out of my mind. I went back to confirm my fears doubtful that the scene would even be the same... and strangely the traffic was extremely light. I decided to take the risk. When I later processed the image, it seemed to beg for a high key treatment.
I have admired Gary Larsen's photography for some time now. Purity Lake is just one example of his amazing eye and passion to capture Nature's Beauty magnificently! Simply gorgeous image, well worth the honor of being on your wonderful website of exceptional landscape photography.
May 23, 2020
May 23, 2020
Jul 03, 2016
Jun 08, 2020