Terra Quantum is now 8 years old. Photographic excellence is our passion and the Earth, our interest.
Along with the current platform, TERRITORIES, we have launched the new one, LIFE. Our approach in terms of quality and concern about the environment stays the same.
LIFE will accommodate animal photography. An international, permanent jury will review each submitted image.
We are grateful to Nick Brandt for agreeing to display in LIFE several images of his last and so important work: INHERIT THE DUST.
Many believe that specialising in niche photography can be beneficial for photographers, on the other hand, covering various subjects helps one's creativity and can make financial sense. I have always had a keen interest in nature, this influenced my decision to study natural sciences. Five years of university studies instilled in me an appreciation of nature and especially, of the intricacy a...
This year has been challenging for many, with unstable economies, political insecurities, and for many, personal setbacks. All these test our resilience and put strains on our lives. How we deal with it all is different for everyone but for me seeking support from loved ones and concentrating on photography helps me to stay grounded.