Selection of February 2024: No limit by Brigitte Bourger

No limit by Brigitte Bourger

The beauty of employing slow motion lies in its unpredictability. With each shot, there is an element of uncertainty; the outcome remains elusive until the moment the shutter is released. Despite the ability to preview results on the camera's screen and make adjustments, the subject often read more.

Selection of January 2024: Sandhill Cranes In Fog--Big Creek marsh by Larry Monczka

Sandhill Cranes In Fog--Big Creek marsh by Larry Monczka

With morning fog predicted, I arose before dawn and drove a half hour to the causeway between the Inner Bay of Lake Erie and the Big Creek National Wildlife Area. Repeated visits over the past month led me to believe that hundreds of cranes would be foraging in the wetlands next to the road in the cold early morning. In addition to the visual gift of dense fog... read more.

An interview with Antonio Fernandez by Beata Moore

Antonio Fernandez is a Spanish photographer based in mid-west Spain. He is passionate about nature and landscapes. In his photography, Antonio is constantly searching for the purest essence of nature. His intimate vision of the landscape and personal interpretation of nature gained him many international awards and commendations, to mention just a few: Natural Landscape Photography Award, Montphoto Photo Contest, Big Picture, Imaginature – Festival Fotografia de Paisage, Premio Internacional Fotografía “Santiago Castelo”, Montier Festival Photo, BioPhotoContest, World Landscape Photographer. You can see more of his work on his website: read more.

Selection of December 2023: Just essential of Black veined white by Thomas Delahaye

Just essential of Black veined white by Thomas Delahaye

It was difficult to position myself, because of the slope of the meadow in the mountains. When I saw the shape of these couple of grass blades, with the butterfly on one, I thought “I want it!” I had a lot of time to shoot it because on this cold morning, the butterfly was "sleeping” and it didn’t move before the sun warmed it. It is important to know... read more.

Selection of November 2023: For Now Flamingo by Alice Zilberberg

For Now Flamingo by Alice Zilberberg

The digital displacement of the animals from their surroundings is representative of their displacement in real life from the wild due to human interference. The animals have a “home” within each image, which, in many cases, no longer exists in the wild. The images are a tribute, a testament to the beauty of nature, and a ground on which to reflect on the interaction between humans and the natural world. read more.