Selection of March 2018: Nightmare by Cyril Verron

Nightmare by Cyril Verron

A rare moment captured by Cyril with a perfect control. The movement and composition as well as the light are sublime. read more.

An Interview with Beata Moore by... Terra Quantum

Beata Moore is a professional photographer and author. She lives in Kingston-upon-Thames, England. Her photographs show a strong affinity towards nature but also a fascination with human ingenuity in creating architectural masterpieces. Commissions by publishers and advertising agencies helped to establish her reputation as a landscape and urban photographer. She has written seven books and is currently working on her eighth. Beata’s work has been exhibited at galleries across the UK and her photographs are held in private collections in the USA, UK and Europe. read more.

Selection of February 2018: Sandhill Cranes Landing in Snowstorm by Larry Monczka

Sandhill Cranes Landing in Snowstorm by Larry Monczka

Elegance, graphism, originality... A beautiful and personal author vision that we wanted to celebrate this month. read more.

An Interview with Ales Komovec by Beata Moore

Aleš Komovec was born in Kranj, Slovenia where he still lives. He finished High School for Media and Graphics in Ljubljana and works as a printer and graphic artist. Aleš is an amateur photographer; his interest in photography started more than nine years ago. He likes all the genres of photographic art, but mostly is captivated by nature and landscape. He is well known for his colourful, panoramic Slovenian landscapes. His images are published on many web galleries. Since 2009 he is a member of Photographic society of Janez Puhar Kranj. Aleš took part in several solo and group exhibitions; he also won several awards and acknowledgements in major photographic competitions. read more.

Selection of January 2018: Dark Shadows by Daniel Van Tongerloo

Dark Shadows by Daniel Van Tongerloo

This month we have been impressed by this gaze of a king in Tanzania, captured by Daniel Van Tongerloo read more.